How to be good at Texas hold'em or less horrible: A beginner's guide
How to get better at Texas hold 'em, or at least less awful: A novice's guide It is no surprise that, despite our national lockdown, online gambling has experienced a surge of 43% and 255% in players who have never played before. My game is Texas hold'em. Because there were no other entertainment options available, I joined a Pokerstars group with about 30 friends. Some of them were newbies, while others were experienced poker players who had played for a living. Because I was familiar with the game and its rules, it didn't feel like hold'em was a new experience for me. Despite being only five games in length, I lost several times during the first few days. . . um . . . Fake dollars apiece and I found myself down almost forty. . . Fake . . dollars. Although it wasn't more expensive than a dinner out or a few movies, it was still frustrating. Although I con...