How to play Texas Holdem Poker: A step-by-step guide for poker's No. 1 game

 How to play Texas Hold'em poker: A step by step guide to poker’s No.1 game

After seeing a significant increase in popularity due to the explosion in online poker in the 2000s, Texas Holdem poker has been one of the most loved forms of poker.

Learning how to play Texas Hold'em and having a solid understanding of the rules will open up a lot of possibilities if you wish to play poker online.

Before you begin, learn how to play Texas Holdem Poker.

Below you'll find our guide for Texas Holdem, which includes information about the game's purpose, betting options, and how it plays out.

We recommend that you read these pieces if you are an absolute beginner to poker.

How to Play Poker -- A Quick Guide to the Basic Concepts that Unite All Types of Poker

Rankings of poker hands -- A guide to the ranking that determines who has the most winning hand.

If you're familiar with how to play poker, and the hand rankings, check out our list of top UK poker bonus sign up offers. Scroll down to learn more about Texas Holdem poker.

How to play Texas Hold'em poker: What is the goal?

Texas Holdem Poker is about making the best decisions possible in terms of betting in order to win as much chips as possible across multiple hands.

Each hand is played to build the best five-card poker hand according to the poker hand rankings. Players use their two hole and five community cards to try to create the best possible hand. This will result in the winner of the pot (or the total of all hand bets).

Players wager based upon their perception of how strong their hand will be compared to other players'. They can also try and bluff their opponents into folding by continuing to place bets even though they know their hand may not be as strong.

Hands may be won at any time after a round of betting, provided that no one else is involved.

How to play Texas Holdem poker.

Call -- Matching a player's wager or raising

Raise -- Increase the size of an existing bet during the same round of betting

Fold -- To remove from the hand without losing any previous bets.

Check -- Before the first round of betting ends, players have the option to either check, decline or place a wager. They also retain the right not to place another bet in that round.

All in -- If there are not enough chips to place a bet, you can still play your chips. All subsequent betting takes place in the side pot. In every subsequent showdown, the all in player can only win the amount of chips they had in the pot at the time they went all-in.

How to play Texas Holdem poker with the dealer

Texas Holdem poker offline, in private or social settings, is played by one of the player and the dealer moves in clockwise order.

The dealer is not one the players in poker rooms and physical casinos. Tokens are used to identify the dealer, who is the nominal player for each hand.

A step-by–step guide on how to play Texas Holdem poker

Bets which are obligatory

Before any cards are dealt out, mandatory bets must be made by two players. The small blind is posted by the player to the dealer's right (for example PS1) and the big blind is posted by the player to their left (for example PS2). This doubles the value of small blinds (e.g. PS2).

Dealer deals each player two cards

After the blinds have been completed, the dealer deals two cards to each player. They start with the player immediately to their right (the one who posted small blind). Keep them for yourself. These are known as hole cards.

Pre-flop, the first round of betting

The player to their left who placed the big blind must be the first one to decide whether to place a wager based on the hole cards. This player can't check, as the big blind counts in the first round. They can fold or call and raise.

After that, each player has their turn to call or raise the money, until it returns to the big blind player.

Since the big blind is already counted as their opening wager, this player can either fold, raise, check, or both. Continue betting until all players have either folded, deposited all their chips, or matched the amount of other players' chips.

The flop

First, the dealer burns one of the cards (removes the card from the game), and then the dealer deals the flop -- three face-up cards.

Players who remain involved in this hand decide their next move based upon the perceived quality of their hand using their hole cards.

Second round of wagering (post-flop).

The dealer's left player bets the first time in this round of betting. All players now have the option of checking, calling, raising, or folding.

Again, betting continues until all players lose.

The turn, also known by the name 'Fourth Street'

First, the dealer will burn a card. Then, he or she will add the next card from his deck to the three cards at the flop.

Now, the remaining players will decide their next move based off the best possible hand from their hole cards as well as the four community and potential fifth cards.

Third round of wagering (post-turn).

Again, betting continues until all players have folded.

The river is sometimes called "Fifth Street"

This is the point at which the dealer gives the fifth and final community cards. Texas Holdem Poker Tips – How To Play A Beginner


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