Knowing how and when to fold in poker

 How to Fold in Poker

When you fold in poker, your cards are removed and you can stop playing. When it is your turn, a fold can occur at any stage of the game. If you fold in poker, it means that you are out for the hand. You won't have any claims on the pot anymore and you won’t need to contribute more money. Also known as lay down, muck.

The Right Way to Fold

It is important to wait until it's your turn before you fold when playing at a poker game. Even though you may be dealt poor cards and would like to immediately toss them in, you should wait until it is your turn to act. As you give information to others who have the action, you could be disapproved of by those around you if your fold is not made on the turn. If you haven't yet called, raise or folded, those around you will see that there is another person who can call to add to the pot. This can impact their decision to call, raise or fold.


The Winning Poker Hands

You can often program your action online. However, at a live table you must wait.

You can place your cards face down, and the dealer may slide them forward to make it easier for him to rake them into his muck pile. Verbally, you may also use the words "fold" or “I fold” to indicate that you are going to discard your cards. Once you indicate a folded card, you cannot change your mind or re-enter.

If you fold, it is important not to expose your cards. Do not get carried away with your tossing and you could risk having one of your cards exposed. This will result in a dealer giving you a warning.

It is also not usual to fold and then check if there are other options, such as after the turn, flop or river. If you have a raise, you will check the pot and then fold.

The Hero Fold

If you fold on the final play of your hand, such after the river cards are dealt and your opponents make all of their possible plays, some players might expose one of their cards to show they made a hero folding. You might find yourself in a hand where the river card has been dealt, and only one other player is going all-in. You decide to fold the cards because they are tight and you are likely to lose the hand. However, you still have a decent hand so you decide that you will turn over the cards if you fold in order to show what you had. This case is not one you will get a warning from the dealer. You aren't disclosing any information to other players who have action in the hand. which hand should you fold in online poker


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