The world wide web was created by Tim Berners Lee in 1990 to allow everyone to easily share information. The internet is full of useless information these days, but it's one of the most valuable resources of information we have. You'll see that online platforms have been the best way for you to learn and grow in any industry. DCU created an online tool that allows students to build virtual portfolios with their achievements in 2017. This innovative idea was to allow students to identify their strengths as well as weaknesses and provide employers with a better overview about potential candidates.

The internet's ability to teach has been adopted by many industries, including poker. Brands, developers, and experts all have created a range training resources for poker players of all skill levels.

Advanced Poker Training: Passive or Active Training

Advanced Poker Training provides two types of training for beginners: active and passive. First, you will find videos and live broadcasts of professional players (see screenshot). These broadcasts provide a broad overview of concepts and include both theoretical discussions and real-world scenarios. The ability to view the thoughts of a professional poker player in real time has made video an effective tool for teaching them. Twitch is a popular platform that attracts over 15 million users each day. Twitch streams offer entertainment as well as a means to learn new skills. This dual purpose is evident in sites like Advanced Poker Training.

A variety of training scenarios are available for subscribers, which allow them to play 500 hands with computer simulations. Each player can view their weekly reports at the end of every game. This report will highlight what went well and where they need improvement. This type of fine-grained training is not something poker players had access to 20 years ago. Doyle Brunson was a pioneer in the game. He relied on their peers for some of his knowledge, and also had to learn from trial and error. The best part about modern players is that they can have their own trial and error, and get high-level feedback.

Poker Fighter: Training at the Granular Level

Poker Fighter is similar to Advanced Poker Training (see video demonstration above). Stas Tishkevich developed this tool, which takes advances in artificial intelligence and integrates them into an online casino poker simulator. The product adds a level of "gamification" that is not found in the other 741,000 Google "pokertraining" results. Gamification has become a popular buzzword online. It basically refers to adding entertainment and gaming elements to an experience that isn't a videogame.

Poker Fighter takes players through several cash game scenarios, where the software analyzes their moves. In order to make Poker Fighter more attractive to casual players, characters were created and points added. These features allow users create their own personas and to compete with their peers. Poker Fighter transforms learning into a game, where everyone is competing to be the best and earn the most points. how to get advanced poker skills for a living


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