What Wins in Poker

 What wins in poker

Poker is a man's (or woman's) game. Therefore, you won't have to bring a six-shooter to the table as in an old Western movie. However, in order to avoid any misunderstandings, especially if this is your first low-stakes friendly poker game, it helps to know the best hands and some other useful tips. Ezra Brooks' bourbon makes an excellent wingman.

Your Top Five

It doesn't matter which version of Texas Hold 'Em you are playing, or five-card stud, seven-card Texas Hold ‘Em, or five-card stud, the best hand from five cards can win the pot. These are the top-ranked hands:

Royal Flush - This is the highest possible poker hand. It's a straight flush with the ace, also known as a "royal flush", which is 10-JQ-K-A. All in the same suits. (Exception: losing to five cards of a kind is possible only if wild cards are used. Refer to "Dealer's Choice".

Straight Flush: Five-card straight that is all in one suit. If two players have straight Flushes, the higher number hand wins (e.g. 2-3-5-4-5-6 loses to 3-4-5-6-6-7).

Four of a type: Four cards of the exact same value.

Full House: Three of one kind or a pair. A full house is when two or more players have the same hand. The winner is determined by the three of the kind, and not the kicker (the pair). For example, an 8-8-8-5-5-5 hand would beat a 7-7-7-K -K hand. Aces Full of Kings, also known as A-A -A-A - K-K, is the strongest full-house.

Flush: A combination of five cards from the same suite.

Straight: Five cards in sequence. Any suits accepted.

Three of the same

Two pairs: Two sets each of two of the same.

Pair: Two of one.

High-quality cards

Suit Up?

Although you are allowed to dress like James Bond, poker does not allow you to wear a tuxedo. The suits of the cards have no rank. It's the same as an opponent's 9-10 J-Q-K straight straight flush in clubs if you have a 9-10 J-Q-K flush in spades.

A Word about Aces

Although generally the highest card, an Ace can be used in a low straight A-2-3-4. Not in what's called a wraparound, Q-K-A-2-3.

Kicking around

Kickers are side cards that are used to break tie. If two players have a pair (JJ-9-3-2 against JJ-8-6-5), then the kicker 9 card wins the 8. If both kickers are equal? Then move on to the next -- J-J-9-3-3 would lose J-J-9-6-5.

Dealer's choice

In friendly games, the dealer gets to announce the nature of individual hands and whether wild card effects are applied. The only effect wild cards have on picking the winning hand is to allow the possibility for a five-of a kind hand. This hand can beat a royal flush.

House Rules

Know your stake limits and any rules that may apply before you begin to play any of the games. You may recall the classic story of the poker player who placed a bet on a royal flush in an unfamiliar game only to find that he had a regular stake limit and a pot with a pathetic hand of 2-2-5-6-6.

"That's a Old Cat," declared the regular, pointing at a sign that read, "An old Cat beats everything." The newcomer complied with the house rules and held his Old Cat a few hours later. He lost everything, only to lose it all again when the regular pointed out another sign. "An old cat is only good once a day."

Channel Kenny Rogers

Rogers stated in his famous song "The Gambler" that a player must know when to hold 'em, and when to fold. Most intelligent players fold only 80 percent of their games. Therefore, it is wise to take things slow at first. Once you know your fellow players, and learn who is playing recklessly and who plays tight, you can adjust your betting accordingly. When you have a winning hand, don't be shy: Be a bettor and not a caller. How to win at poker?


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